I jumped on the Flappy Bird bandwagon late and only for a short time, but just playing the game had a profound effect on me. How could something so simple be so addicting? Why couldn’t I put it down?

Once the author took the game down, I was inspired to create my own. I have always wondered what it takes to create a simple game, and people were coming out with Flappy Bird clones in droves. It couldn’t be that difficult, right?

I started researching HTML5 game frameworks and settled on Phaser as I liked the community and it seemed well supported. After stumbling through the tutorial and researching Flappy Bird clones created in other frameworks, I hacked together what some might call a game:

Github project

Live game

This is a work in progress, as it is mainly a tool for me to learn HTML5 game development. I am still learning, and I welcome any and all feedback.